Monday, February 1, 2016

The Benefits of Early Intervention

Supporting employees when they need it the most.

Every business experiences sickness absence. An effective wellbeing strategy can help your staff stay healthier and help you better manage sickness absence. But there is no way to eliminate it completely – especially when it comes to serious illness or injury. While most companies know their sickness absence costs, many are unaware of how much they could save by stepping in early.

A recent report by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) reveals that long-term sickness absence (6 months or more), costs UK businesses £4.17bn every year. This means it’s costing a typical business of more than 500 employees over £770,000 a year. It’s also a growing problem. As the make-up of the workforce changes and the number of older employees grows, this will only increase.

However, by providing access to support early on and proactively using early intervention services, businesses can reduce the length of a typical absence by 17%. For mental health conditions, the most common cause of absence, this rises to 18% - meaning an absence of 7 months would be reduced to 6 months.

The cost of long-term sickness absence

Key findings

To the economy as a whole (public and private sector)                               £6.71bn

To your business*                                                                                                £770,000

Per employee*                                                                                                    £208

To UK business                                                                                                     £4.17bn

(*more than 500 employees)


The cost of mental health

With an estimated 3 in 10 fit notes issued by GPs concerning mental ill health (CIPD, 2014), it’s no surprise that mental illness, including stress, is the most common and costly cause of sickness absence – amounting to a £1.17bn, a quarter of the total cost of long-term sickness absence.  It’s where early intervention services have the greatest effect – shortening the length of mental ill health absence by 18%. By spotting the early signs of mental illness in the workplace, employers can start conversations with employees and put relevant support in place – sometimes even before an employee goes off sick.

Courses such as Mental Health First Aid can help HR and line managers learn how to deal with mental health in the workplace. Other services such as Employee Assistance Programmes and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can give employees access to tools to help them cope with or control their condition.

A growing problem

The cost of long-term sickness absence is rising - increasing by £240m over the last 2 years. And, as the make-up of the workforce changes and the number of older workers increases, it’s likely the cost will reach £7.6bn by 2030 – an increase of £890m. Employers clearly need to take action and think about not only prevention, but how they can step in to provide the support their employees need to address their illness while still in its early stages.

Sickness absence costs UK businesses £4.17bn every year. A quarter of this cost (£1.17bn) is due to mental ill health. Early intervention services reduce sickness absence by 17% - a reduction of more than an entire year for the average long-term absence of 7 years.

Group Income Protection policies with early intervention services offer businesses significant savings. For every £100 an employer spends, they get an average payback of £61. If employees actively use the services on offer, this increases to £66.


What can businesses do to support their employees?

To minimise the likelihood and cost of sickness absence to your business, putting a health and wellbeing strategy in place is key. While prevention is typically the focus, intervention is just as important - providing services which allow employers to step in when employees show the first signs of a health problem.

A variety of intervention services are available to employers and employees - often included as part of a Group Income Protection package.  Support on offer can range from “self-serve” information online, to telephone support, face-to-face counselling and absence case management.

Early intervention services you can use:

Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs)

Access to information and support on work/life issues – including legal matters. Some EAPs also offer counselling services for distressed employees.

Early intervention

  • Helpline

Information for employers on how to best support an absent employee – or a struggling employee in the workplace who is likely to go off sick.

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Helping employees to rethink the way they behave in certain circumstances such as anxiety or depression.

  • Vocational rehabilitation services

A team of experts offering support to employers and employees – including active case management and return to work guidance. Access to rehabilitation support in the first 6 months of an absence could even help employees return back to work before they become long-term absentees.

  • Mental Health First Aid

A 2-day course helping employers learn how to spot the signs of mental health issues in the workplace and how best to support employees quickly and confidently.

  • Positive ageing guidance

Information and support for employees around ageing and caring for elderly family members.

  • Physiotherapy

Helping employees to manage pain and introducing treatments to aid recovery.


“The Benefits of Early Intervention” by Centre for Economics and Business Research, commissioned by Unum (October, 2015)

CIPD Absence Management – annual survey report (2014)


The bottom line

Not only is use of early intervention and rehabilitation services driving down the typical length of long-term absence, it is also generating an additional £270m worth of ‘payback’ to UK businesses. This can mean significant savings for companies. In fact, for every £100 you spend on a Group Income Protection policy with early intervention services, you get an average payback of £61 – the result of savings on replacement salary costs, less impact on productivity, and a reduced need for recruitment and training of new staff. If an employee actively uses the intervention services on offer, this payback increases to £66. 

It’s clear that ensuring your employees are healthy and happy isn’t just the right thing to do, it directly impacts your bottom line.  Smart businesses should consider how they can provide their employees with early intervention services, such as those you receive as part of a Group Income Protection plan. Even more importantly, they should ensure their employees know about the services available and take full advantage of them.

To read the full report, go to:

(With thanks to Unum for their kind permission to reproduce this article)


If you would like to find out more about the benefits of a Group Income Protection scheme for your business, please contact:


Chartered Insurance Practitioner

Director - Employee Benefits

In2 Matrix (UK) Ltd

101 Finsbury Pavement


Tel DDI     +44 (0) 203 638 5159