Saturday, July 23, 2011

Employers Key Priorities

According to the Employee Benefits/ Alexander Forbes Benefits Research 2011, the key priorities for employers in the next 12 months include getting staff appreciation of their benefits package which accounted for 66%. Next was increasing staff perception of the value
of the benefits with 65%, followed by preparing for the pension changes coming in from the 2012 pension reform (such as auto-enrolment and compulsory contributions).

In2Matrix is a consulting firm that helps organisations with employee benefits on a daily basis. There is a general feel in the market that many organisations are not prepared or even aware of the changes they need to make for the upcoming pension reform. To assist companies, In2Matrix is running a breakfast seminar on August 17 which will cover all you need to know, from opting in to opting out as well as your staging.

Contact In2Matrix from more information

Employee Benefits/ Alexander Forbes Benefits Research 2011 Survey from