Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Technical update: Pension Fixed Protection and Individual Protection 2014


Pension Fixed Protection (and Individual Protection) 2014

As announced in the 2012 Autumn Statement, the Lifetime Allowance for pensions will reduce to £1.25m with effect from the 6th April 2014. As previously notified in Target (June 2013) the government has introduced a Lifetime Allowance protection regime, similar to the 2012 scheme. To remind you, there are two types of protection available – Fixed Protection 2014 and Individual Protection 2014. Individuals may apply for one or both levels of protection, depending on their individual circumstances.

The granting of Fixed or Individual Protection 2014 will automatically result in the loss of any existing protection which may already be in place. In most cases, this will not be in a client’s best interest, as the previous protection regimes offer a higher level of pension protection.

It is no longer possible to apply for Primary, Enhanced or Fixed Protection 2012.

Fixed Protection 2014 – The Details

When is it available?

  • Fixed Protection is available now, but must be applied for by 5th April 2014.

Who should apply?

  • Anyone with a pension pot which is already in excess of £1.25 million, or is likely to be so by the time they reach their chosen retirement age, should consider applying for Fixed Protection 2014
  • Also, anyone currently in Income Drawdown, who has used all, or most of their Lifetime Allowance %, and who anticipates having unused drawdown funds at age 75, which may give rise to a Lifetime Allowance charge (see below)

What benefit do I receive?

  • Fixed Protection 2014 will give you a personal Lifetime Allowance of £1.5 million. In the event of the statutory lifetime allowance increasing above £1.5m, the higher limit will apply.

My fund is currently less than £1.25 million. Is there any restriction on applying?

  • Anyone may apply for Fixed Protection 2014, if they feel their pension fund is likely to be in excess of the standard lifetime allowance at their retirement date. However, it is a condition of being granted Fixed Protection 2014, that no further benefit accrual may take place. This will effectively ‘freeze’ the value of your pension pot at today’s value, with only future investment growth and inflation linking being permitted (see below).
  • For a money purchase scheme, any future growth will therefore be limited to investment growth achieved by the fund. For a Defined Benefit, or final salary, scheme, future benefit entitlement will mostly be limited to ‘inflation proofing’, but some salary related increases may also be permitted.

What if I, or my employer, make any future pension contributions?

  • In most cases, any further contributions to a registered pension plan will result in the loss of Fixed Protection 2014.
  • Should the entitlement to Fixed Protection 2014 be lost, responsibility for reporting this to HMRC lies with the individual. Failure to do so may result in a fine.

What about Auto Enrolmemt?

  • If you apply for Fixed Protection 2014, and are subsequently ‘auto enrolled’ in a workplace pension scheme by your employer, you must opt out of the (auto enrolment) scheme, in order to retain your Fixed Protection. By opting out, any premiums collected from you and paid into a workplace pension will be refunded to you, and you will be deemed to have never joined the workplace pension

What about Life Cover?

  • If your pension plan includes death benefit protection, provided such contributions are either not tax relievable, the policy was in place before 2006, or otherwise qualifies under ‘protected policy’ status, Fixed Protection will not be lost.

What about Drawdown Contracts?

  • If you have ‘uncrystallised funds’ which have NOT been designated into drawdown (ie tax free cash has not yet been taken from the fund), you may be affected by the reduction in LTA. This will depend on the value of your uncrystallised funds and your remaining lifetime allowance %. You may wish to consider applying for Fixed Protection 2014 to protect the balance of your fund against a future LTA charge.
  • If you are already fully in drawdown, but do not anticipate fully annuitising or drawing your funds before age 75, you may be subject to a future LTA charge (BCE 5A). The value of your remaining drawdown fund will be compared at your age 75 against the original crystallisation value, and investment growth tested against your remaining LTA entitlement (based on the Lifetime Allowance at your age 75). Any excess will be subject to a LTA charge. If you used a significant % of LTA when designating funds to drawdown (or from vesting any other pension benefits), you may wish to apply for Fixed Protection 2014 to protect against a possible future LTA charge at age 75.
  • Funds fully placed in drawdown before April 2006 will not be affected by the reduced Lifetime Allowance.

Individual Protection 2014

What if I want to make further pension contributions?

  • In recognition of the fact that some individuals may already have a pension fund in excess of the new, lower, lifetime allowance of £1.25 million, but may still wish to contribute to pension planning (or remain a member of their defined benefits pension scheme), the Government is also introducing Individual Protection 2014. This can be applied for after 6 April 2014

How does Individual Protection 2014 work?

  • Although formal legislation is not yet in place, the Government is proposing to allow individuals with existing pension pots up to the value of £1.5m to continue to contribute to pension planning.
  • Individual Protection 2014 (IP14) will protect the level of any accrued pension savings at 5 April 2014 (subject to a maximum £1.5m), but will allow further pension savings to be made. This is different to Fixed Protection 2014, which does not permit ANY further pension contributions to be made.
  • An individual may apply for both FP14 and IP14, but FP14 will be lost if any further pension contributions are made.

When is IP14 available?

  • The intention is for IP14 to be available from 6 April 2014 (the deadline for applying for FP14 is 5 April 2014). It is anticipated IP14 will be available until April 2017.

Is there any point in applying for Individual Protection 2014?

  • In its Consultation Document for Individual Protection, published in June 2014, HMRC noted: ‘The option of IP14 would therefore be of particular benefit for those who want to continue saving in their pension scheme after 5 April 2014, albeit that they would normally have a lower LTA than with FP14 and will be subject to LTA charges on the additional savings. IP14 may also be beneficial to an individual whose employer normally contributes towards their pension scheme but, if the individual opted out of the pension scheme, they would not be able to receive the value of those employer contributions in another form such as higher pay. In such cases they may prefer to remain an active member of the scheme and continue to receive the benefit of the employer contributions, albeit that these will be subject to an LTA charge when benefits are taken.’
  • It is intended that Individual Protection (or personalised protection) will give individuals a lifetime allowance of the greater of the value of their pension rights on 5 April 2014 (up to an overall maximum of £1.5 million) and the standard lifetime allowance (£1.25 million from April 2014). This personalised LTA will remain at that level unless the standard LTA rises above this figure, in which case the higher LTA will apply. Thus, whilst protecting existing pension benefits at the 05/04/14 value, the individual will be able to continue to contribute to pension planning, in expectation of the LTA increasing above the level of their personalised LTA in the future. This strategy may be appropriate for younger individuals with some years to go until their intended retirement age, who might reasonably expect the LTA to increase in the meantime.
  • Should the LTA not increase, the value of any pension benefit in excess of the applicable LTA, or the Individual Protection level (if higher) will be subject to a Lifetime Allowance charge on vesting. This is currently 55% of the value of the excess fund if taken as a lump sum benefit, or 25% of any retirement income amount (in addition to any income tax applying).
  • The time limit for applying for Individual Protection 2014 is expected to be three years (ending 5th April 2017).
  • In the event of an individual being granted both Fixed Protection 2014 and Individual Protection 2014, Fixed Protection will take precedence.

How do I apply for 2014 Protection?

  • Both Fixed Protection and Individual Protection may be applied for on-line, via the HMRC website. Downloaded paper versions of the application may also be submitted by post.

If you have any queries regarding Fixed Protection, please contact: or call 0845 620 1998

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Our latest Edition of Financial Focus

With a new year many turn their attention to their financial planning. To download our latest newsletter please visit

This edition includes

- Our feature this edition is on how much income you will need in retirement and looks at the results of a report recently published by the Department for Work and Pensions in answering this question.

- Also an article on planning your financial protection needs. At least every two or three years, you should take a good look at your life assurance to see if it still provides what you need.

Our other stories include:

- Should you protect your pension now? Tax relief is likely to be more and more restricted in the future. This has been the trend of recent years and seems likely to continue.

- Another view on annuities: our annuity table has been updated, giving new insights into the huge variability in rates.

- Forward guidance goes backwards: The world’s central bankers have new interest rate tool: it is called ‘forward guidance’.

- Premium bond prizes shrink From 1 August, National Savings and Investments (NS&I) cut the prize money interest rate of premium bonds from 1.5% to 1.3%

To download our latest newsletter please visit

If you would like to find out more please about our tax and financial planning services please contact for more information.

The information is intended to provide information only and reflects our understanding of legislation at the time of writing. Before making any decision, we suggest you take professional financial advice.

The value of investments can fall as well as rise and any income from them is not guaranteed. You should be prepared to lose your investment. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.